Holiday Stress

This Christmas I want to create fabulous memories! I love my family. I love being with my family and I want to give them my best when we are together. The Big Frazzle ISN’T going to show up at my house this Holiday Season!

I’m always looking for my family get-togethers to be just perfect. However, as it turns out, getting together can be complicated. First, it takes a lot of physical work and preparation. Adding to it, you have the combination of the many different moods and personalities of your family. And then to top it off, somewhere lurking within, you have your own baggage that is associated with holidays, past and present. The holidays can be a disaster if you aren’t thinking ahead.

So, what do you do to help create a lovely holiday time with your family or friends?

Protect The Atmosphere I’m talking about the pervading tone or mood of your home. The unseen influence in the environment. So, don’t let your fears, frustration, etc. infiltrate the entire family. Don’t make your problem everyone else in the family’s problem. Let them be free of your fears and frustrations.


How do you release fear and tension? It’s different for everyone. My personal plan involves putting my thoughts into writing and a lot of movement. A walk in the woods, a dance class, or a vigorous hike is very helpful. Also consider doing something special to nurture yourself. If you can afford a massage, do it. Or maybe just take a hot bath with music and candles.

Prep Ahead Of Time Pre-arrange for as little chaos as possible. This will help you be more organized when everyone is home. Get specific and detailed, then hold it loosely — this is important. Don’t become rigid with the schedule and organization, just feel good that you have things in order and let it flow.

Don’t Take It Personally Yes, this is a hard one. It has taken me a while to figure out what this means. If someone insults you or they complement you, it’s not about you. It’s about their mood, health, biases, joys, frustrations, baggage, etc. If they are proud of you and think you are totally delightful, it mostly means that your values and thoughts align with theirs. If they are short and irritable toward you it most likely means that your thoughts, feelings and values are rubbing against theirs. If you have an issue with a family member, approach them with a heart of love and work to resolve the problem. Hopefully they will do the same for you. If they don’t, it’s out of your control. Do your best to love well and then let anything hurtful go.

Be Aware Of The Impact Of What You Ingest Do certain foods make you tired or sluggish? Does the news tank you? Do you not drink enough water or drink too much alcohol? Pay attention to the things that drag your spirit down.

Take Some Time Off If possible, take the day, a 1/2 day, or an evening before everyone arrives off. Slow down. Be still. Do something light or joyful. Relax.

Be In The Moment With Your Family Relax over meals. Laugh. Look your loved ones in the eyes while you are talking. Keep your phone in the other room. Lay around together and watch favorite movies. Savor the gift exchange. Go for walks together. These are the sweet moments.

These are a few of my tips to help you out this Holiday Season! They work for me, but the key is for you to take the time to think about what works for you! Make a list, check it twice…it’ll be the difference between YOU being naughty or nice!


Work On Your Sheesh Sheesh is a kinder word for shit, stuff or baggage. It’s probably a little late to go deep and find healing for this holiday season. However, we must always be knowing ourselves better and growing ourselves. There are quirks and hidden parts of our personality that we are blind to but that are quite blaring and obvious to those who get to be around us. Let’s get emotionally and mentally healthy!


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April Herren