
Antidote - a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison, the particular poison of the day being lethargy - a lack of energy or enthusiasm. Low energy, foggy thinking, poor decision-making, and impulse control are sure symptoms of lethargy and a sure sign of the need of an antidote!

Example -

I have work to do. It’s work I want to do but I can’t get started. My body feels achy and heavy. My mind is jumping from one thing to the next. I begin to feel like I will never be good at what I do. I almost feel like I need to take a nap. Instead I think I’ll just eat the box of Oreo’s in the cabinet, grab a few chips…but oh, wait…I got rid of the junk food. Noooo! So, I scour to find anything, to drug myself with food. The day passes and by evening, I’m flat out depressed.

As in the story of Goldilocks, who needs for the porridge bowl, chair and bed, to be just right, we have to find that right balance between too little and too much.

What is your just right?

So, here’s a little medicine for what ails you. The steps aren’t necessarily new. What’s new is the understanding of what is happening in your brain and body.

With lethargy, you don’t have enough Dopamine (reward and pleasure chemical in the brain) and Norepinephrine (releases oxygen, blood and glucose to the body and brain) working in your Pre-frontal Cortex (the thinking part of your brain).

All of the following increase Dopamine and Norepinephrine:

1. Name it

Identify the feelings you are having. This gives you something specific to focus on. It puts order to the chaos in your brain. Once identified you can decide what you need to do with the emotion.

2. Let your body inform you

Where do you feel it? Your throat? Gut? What is your body asking for? A brisk walk? A shower? Massage? A good cry? Some dancing? Singing? Your body holds negative energy. Find a way to release it.

3. Make a plan

Find clear focus on something specific. This can look like a to-do list or it could look like a spreadsheet. Find a program that works for you. This gives you control, structure and purpose…the opposite of chaos and overwhelm.

4. Set the atmosphere

Find an image that speaks to the heart of what you want. Listen to music you love. Go out in nature and find inspiration. This is about freedom and meaning. It helps you to remember your core values in life.

What is the just right for you today? Bring a little more Dopamine and Norepinephrine to your day, but not too much! Find that perfect sweet spot, your brain and body will love you for it!!!

April Herren